14 Tips for Cancer Prevention

Written by Survivor Wellness


Posted on February 27 2020

February is National Cancer Prevention Month. 40% of Utahn's will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. Sadly, nearly half of all cancers are preventable. A healthy lifestyle contributes to cancer prevention. Activities and patterns we repeat daily add up in a positive or negative way. They may seem small, but all together they impact our lives in a big way. See below ways you can protect yourself and loved ones.


1. Consume red meats in moderation. Meats to minimize are beef, pork and lamb. Avoiding processed meats all together may be helpful.

2. Minimize exposure to the sun. Using sunscreen, hats, and long sleeve shirts can protect your skin from harmful ultra violet ray damage from the sun.

Be physically active. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day of moderate-intensity exercise.

3. A clean home is a safe home. One harmful threat is tiny- Dust. Dust can host many toxic chemicals and may be a source of exposure. Children are particularly at risk as they spend more time close to the floor and tend to put things in their mouths. Using a filtered vacuum and regular cleaning with methods that remove dust rather than push it back up into the air can be helpful. This is especially important in older buildings that may have been build with asbestos and other harmful materials such as lead. Lead paint can flake away as dust over the years. If you live in an older building, consider having the materials tested. Please keep in mind that these materials should only be removed by a professional.

4. A variety of cancers including prostate, leukemia, lymphoma, and childhood cancers have been linked to pesticides. Finding alternatives to pesticides is critical. Insects can be controlled by sealing and putting food away, and also by cleaning spills and crumbs right way.  Keeping the foundation clear of debris, dirt, and weeds. DIY solutions of vinegar and/or soap can be a  good way to suppress weeds without chemicals.

5. Check ingredients of personal-care products such as shampoo, cosmetics, and deodorant and medicines. Theses products are largely unregulated and can contain known cancer causing agents.

Known offenders are:


Endocrinedisrupting chemicals such as phthalates and parabens.

Estrogen-promoting medications

Hormone replacement

Oral contraceptives, have been linked to small increases in the risk of breast cancer.

You should carefully consider the risks and benefits with your doctor.

6. The air in your home should be well ventilated. If you are doing a DIY home improvement project, keep work areas well ventilated and look for products made without volatile organic compounds such as low-VOC paints and do not use laminates and other products that contain formaldehyde. Lung damage from fireplaces and wood-burning stoves can also be a serious issue. Check any chimneys and have them cleaned regularly. 

7. Filtering your drinking water can be a huge benefit. Low levels of metals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, nitrates and disinfection by-products are just some of the dangerous materials tap water may contain. Simple carbon filters can remove many of these contaminants. If arsenic or nitrates are a major concern, consider more expensive options such as reverse osmosis filters or distillation.

8. Mold is a cancer hazard. It is toxic to your health and your home. Mold is caused by excessive moisture. Mold produces toxins that can cause serious acute and chronic respiratory disease.

9. Cleaners are another typical exposure to cancer causing ingredients. Consider replacing cleaners with natural ingredients such as solutions of soap or vinegar . These are simple yet effective cleaners. 

10. Radon is a naturally occurring gas that can silently seep into your house without a smell or other warning. Radon is a known carcinogen. Alarms or testing kits are available online or in stores. Having a radon alarm is a simple way to protect your home.

11. One risk to cancer causing agents is the non-stick cookware. When scratched, non-stick cookware releases chemicals into our food or air.  Scratching can happen over time or quickly if using a metal spatula or spoon. Pre-heating non-stick cookware at high temperatures can also release these chemicals. Heating food or drinks in plastic containers can also release chemicals into your food. Heating food or drinks in plastic containers in microwaves can also release chemicals into your food. Always microwave food in glass containers.

12. Getting screened for cancer can be the best way to help yourself. Your doctor or health care provider can direct you as to what type of screening is right for you. Early detection can delay onset, providing valuable time for planning and treatment. Finding growths before they become cancerous is an obvious. preferred outcome.

Screenings available:





Lung cancer

Prostate cancer

13. Knowing your family history is important. If you have a strong family history of cancer or  precancerous conditions, you should be screened. Talk with your doctor or health care provider, who may refer you to a specialty clinic.

14. Knowing your family history is important. If you have a strong family history of cancer or  precancerous conditions, you should be screened. Talk with your doctor or health care provider, who may refer you to a specialty clinic.





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