Caregivers' Support Group

1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30 pm

Caregivers' Group will take a break during August, and resume from the 1st Wednesday in September (Sept. 4). Caregivers are welcome to join the main Wednesday Night Support Group in the meantime.

Join our dedicated space for Caregivers to share, feel understood, and find strength together. Meet others on a similar journey, while your loved ones attend our concurrent cancer survivor support group.

Let's navigate the unique challenges of caregiving in a compassionate and supportive environment. Together, we can find resources for the emotional, physical, practical, and logistical support needed to bolster our resilience. Caregivers are Survivors, too.

Open to all caregivers. Please enroll before joining.

Held in the back room of the 59 House. Led by Leighann Shelton, BSW, Counselor and Care Coordinator, and Maria Vachlon, MSW and Counselor. 

*NOTE: The last Wednesday of each month is a pot luck - come to nourish or come to be nourished.

(Use the Contact Form below for any questions.)